Lowering Blood Pressure

In a Natural Way - Eating Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is not only delicious, but also good for health. However, this does not apply to other forms of chocolate such as milk chocolate or candy bars. The health benefits are only contained in dark chocolate that contains at least 65 percent of cocoa.

They also aid in reducing LDL or bad cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that LDL cholesterol can be reduced by as much as 10 percent due to the effects of flavonoids. Dark chocolate also helps to improve the mood since it contains serotonin which has anti-depressant properties. Eating dark chocolate also triggers the production of endorphins which induces pleasurable feelings, making you feel good. The high flavonoid content in the cocoa also protects the skin from premature ageing and skin cancer. Blood pressure is lowered by eating healthy amounts of dark chocolate every day. Studies have also shown that intake of dark chocolate improves the body’s natural response to insulin, thereby keeping blood sugar levels in check. Individuals with high blood pressure have also been known to experience improved blood vessel functioning due to consumption of dark chocolate. Researchers have stated that the antioxidant compounds contained in dark chocolate aid in the expansion and contraction of the blood vessel lining, thereby enabling better blood flow. These positive effects of dark chocolate help to lower the vulnerability to heart attacks and strokes.

However, experts say that those with the problem of high pressure should not consume large amounts of dark chocolate as it also contains high quantities of fat, which are not good for health and may eventually offset its positive effects. Also, other important steps to reduce blood pressure should not be neglected. The treatment of low blood pressure cannot rely on only one factor, but depends on a holistic approach which includes balanced healthy meals, exercise and medication.

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