45 Nation Group OKs Lndmark US-India Nuke Deal

Associated Press
VIENNA, Austria (AP) — The U.S. gained key international backing Saturday for a bitterly contested plan to sell peaceful nuclear technology to India — a South Asia powerhouse that has tested atomic weapons but has refused to sign global nonproliferation accords.
Washington said the landmark deal, which still needs U.S. congressional approval, will place India's nuclear program under closer scrutiny. But detractors warned it could set a dangerous precedent in efforts to rid the world of weapons of mass destruction.
"By establishing a 'good guys' and 'bad guys' set of rules, the decision will make it far harder to curb the South Asian nuclear and missile arms race," said Daryl Kimball, who heads the Washington-based Arms Control Association. Kimball said the deal could undermine efforts to contain the Iranians and North Koreans.
Saturday's approval by the 45-nation Nuclear Suppliers Group dealt "a profound setback to the nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament system that will produce dangerous ripple effects for years to come," he said.
The group, which governs the legal world trade in nuclear components and know-how, signed off on the deal after three days of contentious talks in Vienna and some concessions to countries insistent on holding India to its promises not to touch off a new nuclear arms race.
The approval represented a major foreign policy victory for President Bush, who had made the deal a centerpiece of a major 2005 overture to India.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, on a trip to North Africa, called the deal "landmark" and said final congressional approval would be "a huge step for the U.S.-India relationship."
The trade waiver paves the way for a U.S. reversal of more than three decades of policy. India has been subject to a nuclear trade ban since it first tested an atomic weapon in 1974. The country conducted its most recent test blast in 1998.
India hailed the agreement as "a forward-looking and momentous decision."
"It marks the end of India's decades-long isolation from the nuclear mainstream," Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said in a statement. "The opening of full civil nuclear cooperation between India and the international community will be good for India and for the world."
Officials said Bush and Singh spoke by telephone Saturday and congratulated each other on the waiver, which removes a key obstacle to billions of dollars (euros) in potential trade in peaceful nuclear material and technology between the two nations.
The International Atomic Energy Agency signed off on the deal last month. Now, the Bush administration will have to scramble to get approval from Congress in the few weeks remaining before lawmakers adjourn for the rest of the year to devote time to their re-election campaigns.
"I certainly hope we can get it through," Rice said.
Initially, more than a dozen nations including China and Japan sought to block approval by the nuclear group, which operates by consensus.
But in negotiations that began Thursday, that bloc dwindled to three holdouts — Austria, Ireland and New Zealand — who expressed grave misgivings about bending the rules to accommodate U.S. sales to India.
Austria said it lifted its objections after India pledged on Friday to support the global nonproliferation effort and not share sensitive nuclear technology with other countries — promises the Austrians called "decisive."
India also had said it was ready to sign agreements with the IAEA that will broaden and strengthen the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency's ability to inspect Indian atomic facilities.
John Rood, acting U.S. undersecretary of state for arms control issues, told reporters in Vienna that the deal would help meet India's growing energy needs while helping the developing country, a major polluter, cut back on harmful emissions contributing to global warming.
British Foreign Secretary David Miliband agreed, saying the deal has the potential "to make a significant contribution to energy and climate security" in India and worldwide.
"This is a historic achievement that strengthens global nonproliferation principals while assisting India to meet its energy requirements in an environmentally friendly manner," said Gordon Johndroe, a spokesman for the National Security Council at the White House.

Washington has said it would immediately suspend trade with India if the country resumes nuclear testing.

Nuclear Suppliers Group [NSG]
The Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) is a group of nuclear supplier countries which seeks to contribute to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons through the implementation of Guidelines for nuclear exports and nuclear related exports. The NSG Guidelines are implemented by each Participating Government in accordance with its national laws and practices. Decisions on export applications are taken at the national level in accordance with national export licensing requirements.

History of the NSG
The NSG was created following the explosion in 1974 of a nuclear device by a non-nuclear-weapon State, which demonstrated that nuclear technology transferred for peaceful purposes could be misused. The NSG Guidelines were published in 1978 as IAEA Document INFCIRC/254 (subsequently amended), to apply to nuclear transfers for peaceful purposes to help ensure that such transfers would not be diverted to unsafeguarded nuclear fuel cycle or nuclear explosive activities. At the 1990 NPT Review Conference, a number of recommendations were made by the committee reviewing the implementation of Article III, which had a significant impact on the NSG's activities in the 1990s. In 1992, the NSG decided to establish Guidelines for transfers of nuclear-related dual-use equipment, material and technology (items which have both nuclear and non-nuclear applications) which could make a significant contribution to an unsafeguarded nuclear fuel cycle or nuclear explosive activity. These Dual-Use Guidelines were published as Part 2 of INFCIRC/254, and the original Guidelines published in 1978 became Part 1 of INFCIRC/254.The endorsement at the 1995 NPT Review and Extension Conference (NPTREC) of the full-scope Safeguards policy already adopted by the NSG in 1992 clearly reflects the conviction of the international community that this nuclear supply policy is a vital element to promote shared nuclear non-proliferation commitments and obligations.
Participating Governments prepared a comprehensive information paper on the NSG for the 2000 NPT Review Conference. This was disseminated as IAEA document INFCIRC/539/Rev. 1 (Corr.) of November 2000 under the title “The NSG: Its Origins, Roles and Activities”.

What are the Guidelines?
Guidelines for Nuclear Transfers (
INFCIRC/254, Part 1) The first set of NSG Guidelines governs the export of items that are especially designed or prepared for nuclear use. These include: (i) nuclear material; (ii) nuclear reactors and equipment therefor; (iii) non-nuclear material for reactors; (iv) plant and equipment for the reprocessing, enrichment and conversion of nuclear material and for fuel fabrication and heavy water production; and (v) technology associated with each of the above items.
Guidelines for Transfers of Nuclear-Related Dual-Use Equipment, Materials, Software and Related Technology (
INFCIRC/254, Part 2) The second set of NSG Guidelines governs the export of nuclear related dual-use items and technologies, that is, items that can make a major contribution to an unsafeguarded nuclear fuel cycle or nuclear explosive activity, but which have non-nuclear uses as well, for example in industry.
Aim of the NSG Guidelines The NSG Guidelines aim to ensure that nuclear trade for peaceful purposes does not contribute to the proliferation of nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices which would not hinder international trade and cooperation in the nuclear field. The NSG Guidelines facilitate the development of trade in this area by providing the means whereby obligations to facilitate peaceful nuclear cooperation can be implemented in a manner consistent with international nuclear non-proliferation norms.

The current Participating Governments are:

2008/2009 NSG Chair Country: Germany
The European Commission participates as an observer. On what basis are participation decisions taken?
Factors taken into account for participation include the following:
A. The ability to supply items (including items in transit) covered by the Annexes to Parts 1 and 2 of the NSG Guidelines;
B. Adherence to the Guidelines and action in accordance with them;
C. Enforcement of a legally based domestic export control system which gives effect to the commitment to act in accordance with the Guidelines;
D. Adherence to one or more of the NPT, the Treaties of Pelindaba, Rarotonga, Tlatelolco, Bangkok or an equivalent international nuclear non-proliferation agreement, and full compliance with the obligations of such agreement(s);
E. Support of international efforts towards non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and of their delivery vehicles.

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