CESS - Center for Economic and Social Studies

CESS - Center for Economic and Social Studies

Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS)
Begumpet, Hyderabad - 500016, A.P.,INDIA.
Tel No: +91-40-2340 2789, 2341 6780, 2341 6610/11/12/13.
Fax: 91-40-2340 6808; Mail to :

The Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS) was established as an autonomous research Centre in 1980. Appreciating its role in the promotion of research and training, the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) (Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India) recognized it as a national institute in the year 1986 and included the Centre in its network of institutions. Conducting interdisciplinary research in analytical and applied areas of social sciences, encompassing socio-economic and other aspects of development, constitute the predominant activities of the Centre. Its sphere of research activity has expanded beyond the state of A.P., covering other areas of the country as well... and more...
The Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS) was established as an autonomous research Centre in 1980. Appreciating its role in the promotion of research and training, the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) (Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India) recognized it as a national institute in the year 1986 and included the Centre in its network of institutions. Conducting interdisciplinary research in analytical and applied areas of social sciences, encompassing socio-economic and other aspects of development, constitute the predominant activities of the Centre. Its sphere of research activity has expanded beyond the state of A.P., covering other areas of the country as well.

The Centre has been receiving annual grant-in-aid from the Government of Andhra Pradesh and the ICSSR. It also undertakes research projects sponsored by the state and central governments, as well as international agencies such as the World Bank, DFID, Ford Foundation, European Community, Rockefeller Foundation and Asian Development Bank.

The Centre's research has developed expertise on themes such as Rural Development and Poverty, Agriculture and Food Security, Irrigation and Water Management, Public Finance, Demography, Health and Environment.

Apart from its involvement in social sciences research, the Centre conducts M.Phil/ Ph.D programme in Development studies in collaboration with Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University. The University of Hyderabad (Central University) and Osmania University have also recognized this Centre for advanced research. 

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