
Showing posts from September, 2010

Stuxnet Vulnerability of Nuclear

. Stuxnet Raises Concerns About Vulnerability of Nuclear & Industrial Facilties A powerful computer virus called the Stuxnet worm has apparently targeted Iran's Bushehr nuclear power plant and infected computer systems from Asia to Europe and the United States. The capability of this malicious software is raising questions about the vulnerability of nuclear, electrical and other types of industrial facilities. While Iranian officials say infected systems at the Bushehr nuclear power plant are safe, those who work in cyber security are not as calm, and note that the attack opens the door for a range of threats that until now were largely theoretical. Sami Saydjari, the president and founder of the Cyber Defense Agency says the creation of this malicious software or malware shows that people are now willing and have the capability to attack industrial systems. "To begin targetting industrial control systems and to put people's lives at risk and systems a...

History of Electricity in Delhi

. The position is that as per available records, the first diesel Power Station was established in Delhi in the year 1905 when a private English Company by name M/s. John Fleming was given permission to generate electricity under the provisions of the Indian Electricity Act 1903. The above mentioned Company was given the responsibility both of generation and distribution of power in a limited manner. That Company after obtaining license under the provisions of Electricity Act 1903 had set up a small 2 MW Diesel set at Lahori Gate in Old Delhi. Later on, this very Company was converted as Delhi Electricity Supply and Traction Company . In the Year 1911, the power generation was augmented by Steam Generation Station. In the year 1932, the management of Central Power House was handed over to New Delhi Municipal Committee (NDMC). In the field of power generation and distribution, a major break through was achieved in 1939 when Delhi Central Electricity Power Authority ( D...

Mobile Trading

. Welcome Message: It's Not Complicated                                            An account of how Mobile Trading of stocks and derivatives is done. With the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) launching its mobile trading platform today, the stock market is all set to get a tech boost. Especially since the National Stock Exchange (NSE) also plans to launch a similar service in the first week of October. A month ago, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) gave permission to the stock exchanges and brokerage houses to offer mobile trading services to their clients. But many investors have a question: How will this platform work? Business Standard decided to visit a few brokerage houses and the stock exchanges to demystify the nuances. ...


. Toll Free Numbers – FREE SERVICE FROM BSNL Dial the following numbers in case of Assistance/ Help without paying for it (from BSNL Tel) : Some of the services are available in select cities only. Please check the availability in your city. Services written in blue color are available on STD too .     Service Number PSTN Call Center (for any queries related to landline telephone, ISDN etc. Also accessible from CellOne, Excel & Tarang phones) 1500 Kisan Call Center (queries related to agriculture) 1551 Police 100 Fire 101 Ambulance 102 Billing complaint center 166 / 1660-69 Trunk booking 1580 Trunk assistance 1581 STD complaints 1582 National Directory Enquiry (NDQ) Service 1583 International trunk booking 1586 International trunk enquiry 1587 International Tru...


. भारत का रेल नेटवर्क दुनिया के सबसे बड़े नेटवर्क में से एक हैं. भारतीय ट्रेनों में हर दिन सवा करोड़ से ज़्यादा लोग सफ़र करते हैं. एक अनुमान के अनुसार देश में हर साल औसतन 300 छोटी-बड़ी रेल दुर्घटनाएँ होती हैं. कुछ बड़ी रेल दुर्घटनाओं पर एक नज़र 16 जनवरी, 2010- उत्तर प्रदेश के फ़िरोज़ाबाद में टुंडला के नज़दीक श्रम शक्ति एक्सप्रेस को कालिंदी एक्सप्रेस ने पीछे से टक्कर मार दी. इस हादसे में तीन लोगों की मौत हो गई और 14 लोग घायल हो गए. 14 नवंबर, 2009- राजस्थान के जोधपुर से दिल्ली के लिए रवाना हुई मंडोर एक्सप्रेस ट्रेन के डिब्बे बस्सी के पास पटरी से उतर गए. इस घटना में सात लोग मारे गए और 50 घायल हुए. 01 नवंबर, 2009- गोरखपुर से अयोध्या आ रही पैसेंजर ट्रेन नवाबगंज और टिकरी हाल्ट स्टेशन के बीच चक रसूलपुर गाँव के पास बिना चौकीदार वाली सड़क क्रासिंग पर एक ट्रक से टकरा गई जिसमे 14 लोगों की मृत्यु हो गई और सौ लोग घायल हो गए. 21 अक्तबर, 2009- उत्तर प्रदेश में मथुरा के पास गोवा एक्सप्रेस का इंजन मेवाड़ एक्सप्रेस की आख़िर...

INDIAN Foods That Cut Fat

. You don't have to acquire a taste for olive oil, seaweed or soya to maintain a low-fat, healthy diet. Indian cuisine can be healthy too, if it's cooked with oil and ingredients that take care of your heart and health. Ayurveda suggests you include all tastes — sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter and astringent — in at least one meal each day, to help balance unnatural cravings. Here are 12 foods that can help you lose weight and gain health: Turmeric : Curcumin, the active component of turmeric, is an object of research owing to its properties that suggest they may help to turn off certain genes that cause scarring and enlargement of the heart. Regular intake may help reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol and high blood pressure, increase blood circulation and prevent blood clotting, helping to prevent heart attack. Cardamom : This is a thermogenic herb that increases metabolism and helps burn body fat. Cardam...